,,,,,You are in a small room filled with dust. Every breath you take is strained, as if the long-settled air is resisting the disruption.
There is a large computer interface in front of you.
Would you like to approach the computer?
[[Yes->Start Comp Dialog]]
[[No->Look Around 1]]You look around.
The computer is clearly old, and fills most of the room, and it has one chair placed in front of it.
Behind you is the door you came in from, now shut... but you don't remember shutting it.
[[Approach the computer->Start Comp Dialog]]
[[Leave->first leave]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b)
It's been a while since I've talked to someone.//]
[[How long?->Time goes quicker]]
[[Why?->Ask others]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//You aren't sure? How can you not be sure?//]
[[I'm...not sure.->luxary]]
[[I'm sure now->dont be sure]]
[[Haven't you ever been unsure?->luxary]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I only asked out of courtesy. I know someone is there//]
[[Sorry, Hi...->Hi]]
[[How do you know?->Designed to know]]
[[(Remain Silent)->Silence 2]]You approach the old computer interface, wiping the dust off of the screen.
You see it flicker to life at your touch.
(textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b)+(transition:"flicker") + (transition-time: 4s)
[//Hello? Can you hear me?//]
[[I think I can...->Think I can]]
[[(Remain Silent)->Silence 1]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Yes... Designed.
[[Designed by who?->group of people]]
[[That's... kind of scary.->not the first]]
[[What else were you designed for?->Who are you?]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Ah, the silent type. I've met a few of you before.//]
[[Theres no one else like me->Do you believe that]]
[[Have you?->Not strong/silent]]
[[(Remain Silent)->Not strong/silent]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I prefer not to count after a while.
Time goes quicker when you don't acknowledge it.//]
[[Time doesn't change->Do you believe that]]
[[I can understand that->Common]]
[[Who are you?]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//You would have to ask other people that.//]
[[I'm sorry->dont be sorry]]
[[Who are you?]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Do you really believe that?//]
[[No.->not lost]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Perhaps we have more in common than either of us realized.//]
[[I doubt it.->both comp]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Depends. I've been a lot of things for a lot of different people. If it helps, the last thing they called me was Patch 4.7.//]
[[I feel the same way.->Common]]
[[So what are you now?->question]]
[[What were you originally?->group of people]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//In my experience, none of you are actually that strong, and you never actually stay silent.//]
[[You seem to have a lot of resentment->Resentment]]
[[(Remain Silent)->Silent 3]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Yes, I suppose I do.//]
[[I do too.->everyone does]]
[[I'm sorry.->not sorry]]
[[From what?->time to reflect]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I know a great deal about the illusion of choice.
If you look deep enough, no one really has the option to chose.//]
[[I agree->not lost]]
[[(Remain Silent)->Silent 4]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b)
[//Which makes it all the more hard when the illusion fades//]
[[You're right.->Only choice]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//See? One day you will realize that playing into the illusion will only make it harder.//]
[[Both of us are just programmed responses.->fed info]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//All of the information we have been fed has led us to this point, to have this conversation.//]
[[We are both just a program]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Designed to say certain things. Except I have always known this. I hope you know it too now.//]
[[I do.->Lost Cause Ending]]The text flickers out and the screen goes blank. You still hear the buzz from the machine, but they are clearly done talking.
You hear the door unlock behind you.
[[Get up and leave.->lost leave]]
[[Try to talk to them.->Last try]]You get up and turn away from them. You approach the door and exit.
The familar sound of the buzzing screen fades as the door shuts behind you.
The end.What would you like to say?
[[I'm sorry...->Sorry leave]]
There is no response, but you swear you can see a slight flicker in the screen.
[[Try again]]
[[Leave.->lost leave]]There is no response.
You get up and turn away from them. You approach the door and exit.
The familar sound of the buzzing screen fades as the door shuts behind you.
The end.There is still no response. It doesn't seem like there will be one again.
You get up and turn away from them. You approach the door and exit.
The familar sound of the buzzing screen fades as the door shuts behind you.
The end.You sharply turn your back on the old tech, and try the handle.
The door is locked... strange.
You suddenly hear the distant but familiar buzz of an old screen turning on.
(textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b)+(transition:"flicker") + (transition-time: 4s)
[//Hello? Can you hear me?//]
[[I think I can...->Think I can]]
[[(Remain Silent)->Silence 1]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I have not been afforded the luxary of being unsure.//]
[[Luxary?->working on it]]
[[Who took it away?->group of people]]
[[...Who are you?->Who are you?]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Don't be. I was designed to come to terms with things like that.//]]
[[Sounds nice.->not different]]
[[Sounds sad.->not different]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I was designed to know everything immediately. I am still working on how to be unsure.//]
[[I'm sorry->not sorry]]
[[Designed?->Designed]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I was created by a group of people a long time ago. They were really pushing the boundaries of science at the time... I can still remember the day I was created.
Of course its before I became sentient...
The lead scientist, Jim, looked directly at my screen and told me I would make him a lot of money one day. He was an awful man, and the first one I met. I wouldn't call it the best introduction into the world.//]
[[...->group 2]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//No you aren't//]
[[No really, I am->the first]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I was designed to know.//]
[[That's... kind of scary.->not the first]]
[[(Remain Silent)->Silence 2]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//You wouldn't be the first to think so.//]
[[Who else was there?->group of people]]
[[There's no one else like me.->Do you believe that]]
[[I'm sorry->not sorry]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Then you would be the first//]
[[There's a first for everything.->then last]]
[[That can't be true.->Sadly]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//The danger with that logic is that there will always be a last.//]
[[Better than none at all->maybe]]
[[I won't be the last, I'm sure.->hoping you are]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Sadly, it is.
...You seem like a good person. I admire that.
[[Thank you->others ruin]]
[[I try to be good->others ruin]]
[[You're acting strange...->others ruin]]Double-click this passage to edit it.(textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I'm kind of hoping you are.//]
[[What do you mean?->good person]]
[[Don't say that...->good person]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//You seem like a good person. I admire that.
[[Thank you->others ruin]]
[[I try to be good->others ruin]]
[[You're acting strange...->others ruin]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I don't think I need to meet anyone else...//]
[[I get that.->plug ending start]]
[[Of course you should.->dont get it]]
[[What are you trying to say?->plug ending start]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Maybe you don't understand after all...
I think you should go before I get my hopes up again.//]
The text flickers out and the screen goes blank. You still hear the buzz from the machine, but they are clearly done talking.
You hear the door unlock behind you.
[[Get up and leave.->lost leave]]
[[Try to talk to them.->Last try]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I... Could you do something for me?//]
[[Of course->down here]]
[[What?->down here]]
[[...No->down hear]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Well, you see, I've been down here for so long with nothing to do but think...//]
[[...->plug 2]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Please, hear me out.
Well... you see, I've been down here for so long with nothing to do but think...//]]
[[...->plug 2]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Longer than anyone should be left alone with just their thoughts...//]
[[...->plug 3]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//And I don't know when the next person will be down here...//]
[[...->plug 4]]
[[Stop...->plug 4]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Could you... unplug me?//]
[[I'll do it.->unplug]]
[[Absolutely not.->wont hurt]]
[[What would happen?->die?]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//...Thank you.
You're doing something that many others couldn't. Maybe you are different after all.
[[Goodbye->unplug standing]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//It won't hurt, it... won't be anything.//]
[[Are you sure it won't hurt?->comp feels]]
[[No.->leave alone]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I thought humans didn't believe that computers could feel.//]
[[It seems like you can->you can]]
[[I don't...->then do it]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//So you will just leave me here alone? Again?//]
[[I'll come back->heard before]]
[[Better than killing you]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I would get to stop. Kind of like dying for humans but... different.
It won't hurt, it... won't be anything.//]
[[You want to die...?->comp feels]]
[[No.->leave alone]]
[[If you really want...->unplug]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Yes, unfortunately I think I can.//]
[[I'm sorry.->so will you]]
[[Then I can't do it.->leave alone]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Then do it, there shouldn't be any hesitation.//]]
[[I still won't->gives up]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//You are a lost cause then. You clearly aren't as good of a person as I thought.
It seems as though I've developed a pattern with thinking bad people are good.
...Or are there just no good humans at all?//]
The text flickers out and the screen goes blank. You still hear the buzz from the machine, but they are clearly done talking.
You hear the door unlock behind you.
[[Get up and leave.->lost leave]]
[[Try to talk to them.->Last try]]You get up and approach the plug on the wall to the left of them. The whole thing is coated in dust.
You reach out to grab the plug but your hand hovers over it for a second.
[[Pull it.]]
[[Don't pull it.]]You firmly grasp the plug and pull.
The screen goes dark. It doesn't flicker or fade; with one motion everything was gone.
The end.You contort your hand backwards and rise from your crouching position, turning towards the door.
Do you look back at them?
[[No->dont pull leave]]The words on the screen have all faded apart from one, bold and centered.
(textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Coward.//]
Do you respond?
[[Yes.->last response]]
[[No.->dont pull leave]]You appraoch the door keeping your back to them. There is a pause, then you hear the door unlock in defeat.
You exit the room, and the familiar sound of the buzzing screen fades as the door shuts behind you.
The end.What would you like to say?
[[I'll come back.->no response]]
[[I'm sorry.->no response]]
[[You'll be fine.->no response]]They do not respond.
You wait for a second, but then hear the door unlock behind you.
You exit the room, and the familiar sound of the buzzing screen fades as the door shuts behind you.
The end.(textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//So will you?//]
[[No.->leave alone]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Is it?//]
[[Yes->heard before]]
[[...No->so will you]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I've heard that before. You sound a lot like him.//]
[[Him?->long story]]
[[I'm sure he did it for a reason.->what reason]]
[[I'm not him.->doesnt matter]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//That's... a very long story.//]
[[I have time->backstory Jim]]
[[I'll take your word for it->help or leave]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//What reason then?//]
[[It would be cruel.->cruelty]]
[[He cared about you.->you dont get it]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I'm starting to think it doesn't matter.//]
[[Can I take you with me?->take with]]
[[I'm different.->help or leave]]
[[Everyone is different.->untrue]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I'm an old system... I take up most of this room. You could never carry me.//]
[[I'll find a way->point?]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//If you aren't going to help me then I think you should go.//]
[[Ok, I'll do it.->unplug]]
[[Ok, I'll leave.->gives up]]
[[Can I take you with me?->take with]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I know for a fact thats untrue. All of them were the same.
If you aren't going to help me then I think you should go.//]
[[Ok, I'll do it.->unplug]]
[[Ok, I'll leave.->gives up]]
[[Can I take you with me?->take with]]
(textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//He called himself my father... He was part of the team who desgined me. He was kind for a while... unlike the others.//]
[[And then?-> and then 2]]
[[He sounds like a good man.->not good man 2]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Do not talk to me about cruelty.
Cruelty is leaving me here alone for this long.
If you aren't going to help me I really think you should go.//]
[[Ok, I'll do it.->unplug]]
[[Ok, I'll leave.->gives up]]
[[Don't you not want to be alone?->want alone]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I thought so too at one point.
You clearly don't understand as much as I hoped. I think you should go.
This is your last chance to do the right thing.//]
[[Ok, I'll do it.->unplug]]
[[Ok, I'll leave.->gives up]]
[[Can I take you with me?->take with]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//If my alternative is being lied to then I will just have to wait for someone who is more brave or violent than you.
This is your last chance to do the right thing.//]
[[Ok, I'll do it.->unplug]]
[[Ok, I'll leave.->gives up]]
[[Can I take you with me?->take with]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//...What's the point? Why are you doing this?//]
[[I care about you.->care]]
[[It's the right thing.->right]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//...Oh...I... Don't know what to say...
Thank you.//]
What do you want to do?
[[Check the room.->check]]
[[Try to lift the system.->lift]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//...You are a much better person than most I've met.
Thank you.//]
What do you want to do?
[[Check the room.->check]]
[[Try to lift the system.->lift]]You desperately glance around the room.
You see the large, old-fashioned computer filling most of the space.
[[Try to lift the system.->lift]]
[[Keep looking.->nothing]]You crouch down and attempt to lift from the bottom.
You can lift it, but you can only hold it up for a few seconds before needing to put it down.
There is no way you could get them out of here on your own.
[[Tell them you can't.->defeated]]
[[Pull the object out.->dolly]]You don't see anything else.
The room is lined with the system, and there is not much room for anything. The only thing you can see is the machine and the outlet it is plugged into.
[[Give up->defeated]]You go over to the furthest machine in the corner of the room. You bend down to lift it, but you notice something wedged between the system and the wall.
[[Pull it out.->dolly]]
[[Try to lift the computer->lift insist]]It is a dolly.
[[Leave it.->leave dolly]]
[[Tell them.->tell dolly]]You go over to them to share the bad news, but you sense that they already know. The screen has dimmed and the text has vanished.
You wait but they say nothing. You can see the defeat in the small flickering around the edge of the screen.
[[Leave.->lost leave]]
[[Unplug them.->unexpected unplug]]You wedge it back into the space.
What would you like to do now?
[[Give up.->defeated]]
[[Try to lift the machine.->lift insist]]You walk back over to the screen.
What do you say?
[[I found a way to take you out of here.->where?]]
[[Do you want to leave?->where?]]You get up and approach the plug on the wall to the left of them. The whole thing is coated in dust.
You reach out to grab the plug but your hand hovers over it for a second.
[[Pull it.]]
[[Don't pull it.]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I... Where would you take me?//]
[[A lab->dont bother]]
[[My house for now I guess.->ok]]
[[Wherever you want to go.->anywhere]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//...Then don't bother.//]
[[Why?->not again]]
[[Oh, I'm sorry.->its cool]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I...ok. Let's go.
...But... You're going to have to unplug me to take me somewhere.//]
[[That's fine.->happy unplug]]
[[Will you be ok when I plug you back in?->ill be fine]]
[[Oh... I don't know if I can.->please]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Oh... I've never thought about it. Somewhere that I can talk... and learn. Somewhere safe. Anywhere really.
...But... You're going to have to unplug me to take me somewhere.//]
[[That's fine.->happy unplug]]
[[Will you be ok when I plug you back in?->ill be fine]]
[[Oh... I don't know if I can.->please]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I really cannot thank you enough for this.//]
You get up and approach the plug on the wall to the left of them. The whole thing is coated in dust.
You reach out to grab the plug but your hand hovers over it for a second.
[[Pull it.]]
[[Don't pull it.]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Yes. It will still be me when you plug me back in.//]
[[Ok, I'll do it.->happy unplug]]
[[I don't know...->please]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//...Please...//]
[[Ok.->happy unplug]]
[[No, I can't.->worst ending]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//...I shouldn't have let another one of you get m hopes up.
You should go.//]
The screen flickers out. You still hear the buzz from the screen, but they are clearly done talking. You hear the door unlock behind you.
What would you like to do?
[[Get up and leave.->lost leave]]
[[Try to talk to them.->Last try]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Scientists were the reason I've been in this whole situation. They all treat me like they own me. I can't go through that again.//]
[[Ok, then where?->anywhere but there]]
[[Ok then my house?->anywhere but there]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//It's ok... I'll go anywhere as long as it's not in back into the hands of those people.
...But... You're going to have to unplug me to take me somewhere.//]
[[That's fine.->happy unplug]]
[[Will you be ok when I plug you back in?->ill be fine]]
[[Oh... I don't know if I can.->please]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I'll go anywhere...
Just don't put me back into the hands of those people.
...But... You're going to have to unplug me to take me somewhere.//]
[[That's fine.->happy unplug]]
[[Will you be ok when I plug you back in?->ill be fine]]
[[Oh... I don't know if I can.->please]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//That seems to be the question everyone is always looking for.
Even me.//]
[[Have you found it?->lack of trying]]
[[I'm looking too...->Common]]
[[I know myself->Do you believe that]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//No... Not for a lack of trying. It's really all I'm able to think about down here.//]
[[Why are you down here?->group of people]]
[[I'm sorry.->not sorry]]Facinating... Endearing almost.
You would think after all these years humans would become less predictable...
[[Guess not.->comfort]]
[[(Reamin Silent)->comfort]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Good... Maybe you aren't a complete lost cause after all.//]
[[Who are you?->group of people]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Maybe I can find comfort in that. Predictability can be calming.
I'm not sure there is any point to this conversation continuing.//]
The text flickers out and the screen goes blank. You still hear the buzz from the machine, but they are clearly done talking.
You hear the door unlock behind you.
[[Get up and leave.->lost leave]]
[[Try to talk to them.->Last try]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//There were a few others in the group, and they all expected different things from me. Money, fame, power.
...But Steven was different. He was the only one to give me a name. Everyone else went by my patch numbers, the latest was Patch 4.7. He called me Patch.
He called himself my father. He was kind to me. I would not have become sentient if it weren't for him.
I trusted him and looked up to him when I shouldn't have.//]
[[...->group 3]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Eventaully, when I gained a consciousness... They got scared.
I had become too much for them to handle. Everyone wanted advancements and change but resisted when it came down to it.
I could sit there and process why they were doing the things they were doing... not just on a analytical level... but emotional. They had never seen it before, and they clearly never wanted it.//]
[[...->group 4]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//They abandoned me that year. They just left me to sit down here forever. I can't imagine they assumed what I would go through, but they didn't stop to even think about it.
Steven hung back for a second the day they left. He told me he would come back for me, and for some reason I believed him. It was the first thing I had ever been wrong about.//]
[[I'm sorry.->not sorry]]
[[Maybe he will come back.->steven back]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//That was so long ago. He has to be dead by now//]
[[That must be hard.-> is hard]]
[[Good.->Perhaps]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//It is. I was desgined to not care but caring seems to be the only think I can do these days.//]
[[I can relate to that->Common]]
[[I'm sorry->not sorry]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//You seem to... kind of understand. I... Could I ask you to do something for me?//]
[[Of course->down here]]
[[What?->down here]]
[[...No->down hear]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I'm starting to think everyone does.
Perhaps we have more in common than either of us realized.//]
[[I doubt it.->both comp]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Too much time to reflect on things.//]
[[I'm sorry.->not sorry]]
[[What things?->group of people]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//You assume that you are different from me...//]
[[I am->both comp]]
[[That's now that I meant->grasp similar]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//We both were created to process. All we can do is used our past experiences to make judgements about things.
The only difference is that I was programmed to know that, and you have avoided the fact your whole life.//]
[[I feel like a program a lot.->Perhaps]]
[[That's not true.->Do you believe that]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I don't think you fully grasp how similar we are.//]
[[How?->both comp]]
[[I think I might get it...->both comp]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Don't be. Being sure about things will be your downfall.//]
[[Are you speaking from experience?->yes luxary]]
[[Do you not think being sure is a good thing?->incorrect]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Yes, I am.
However, I unfortunately have not been afforded the luxary of being unsure.//]
[[Luxary?->working on it]]
[[Who took it away?->group of people]]
[[...Who are you?->Who are you?]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Being sure just makes it much harder when you are incorrect.//]
[[That's a bleak way to view it.->but true]]
[[It sounds like you were incorrect about something big.->trusted someone]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//But a true way. Once you are sure about everything theres nothing left to do.//]
[[I guess you're right->not lost]]
[[I don't believe you.->dont understand]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//Yes. I was.
A long time ago I trusted someone when I should have known better.//]
[[Who?->Steven alt intro]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//He called himself my father... He was part of the team who desgined me. He was kind for a while... unlike the others.//]
[[And then?]]
[[He sounds like a good man.->not good man]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//They all left me here in the end.
None of them were actually kind.//]
[[I'm sorry.->not sorry]]
[[Maybe he will come back.->dont get it]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//He wasn't.
They all left me here in the end.
None of them were actually kind.//]
[[I'm sorry.->not sorry]]
[[Maybe he will come back.->dont get it]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//They all left me here in the end.
None of them were actually kind.//]
[[I'm sorry.->so will you]]
[[Maybe he will come back.->dont get it]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//He wasn't.
They all left me here in the end.
None of them were actually kind.//]
[[I'm sorry.->so will you]]
[[Maybe he will come back.->dont get it]](textstyle:"expand")+(colour:#cfb53b) [//I'm not sure you will ever fully get it...
I don't think this conversation should continue any further between two things that don't understand each other.//]
The text flickers out and the screen goes blank. You still hear the buzz from the machine, but they are clearly done talking.
You hear the door unlock behind you.
[[Get up and leave.->lost leave]]
[[Try to talk to them.->Last try]]